This category is for Green cards.
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All items (899)
- Aboroth
- Abrupt Decay
- Abundance
- Abundant Growth
- Abzan Beastmaster
- Abzan Kin-Guard
- Accelerated Mutation
- Acid Web Spider
- Acidic Slime
- Acorn Harvest
- Acridian
- Adaptive Snapjaw
- Adun Oakenshield
- Advent of the Wurm
- Advocate of the Beast
- Aerial Predation
- Aerie Ouphes
- Aether Mutation
- Aether Rift
- Aether Web
- Afiya Grove
- Ageless Entity
- Agent of Horizons
- Aggressive Urge
- Aim High
- Ainok Guide
- Aisling Leprechaun
- Ajani, Mentor of Heroes
- Albino Troll
- Algae Gharial
- Alive \ Well
- All Suns' Dawn
- Allosaurus Rider
- Alluring Scent
- Alpha Authority
- Alpha Kavu
- Alpha Status
- Alpha Tyrranax
- Altar of Bone
- Aluren
- Ambassador Oak
- Ambush Commander
- Ambush Krotiq
- Ambush Viper
- Amphibious Kavu
- An-Havva Constable
- An-Havva Inn
- Ana Battlemage
- Ana Disciple
- Ana Sanctuary
- Anaconda
- Anavolver
- Ancestral Mask
- Ancient Ooze
- Ancient Silverback
- Ancient Spider
- Ancient Stirrings
- Angus Mackenzie
- Animal Magnetism
- Animar, Soul of Elements
- Animate Land
- Ant Queen
- Anurid Barkripper
- Anurid Brushhopper
- Anurid Scavenger
- Anurid Swarmsnapper
- Apes of Rath
- Apocalypse Hydra
- Aquastrand Spider
- Arachnus Spinner
- Arachnus Web
- Arashi, the Sky Asunder
- Arashin War Beast
- Arbor Colossus
- Arbor Elf
- Arboria
- Arcades Sabboth
- Archers of Qarsi
- Archetype of Endurance
- Archweaver
- Arctic Nishoba
- Arctic Wolves
- Argothian Elder
- Argothian Enchantress
- Argothian Pixies
- Argothian Swine
- Argothian Treefolk
- Argothian Wurm
- Arlinn Kord
- Arlinn Kord/Arlinn, Embraced by the Moon
- Arlinn, Embraced by the Moon
- Armada Wurm
- Armadillo Cloak
- Armed \ Dangerous
- Armor of Thorns
- Armored Wolf-Rider
- Artisan's Sorrow
- Asmira, Holy Avenger
- Aspect of Wolf
- Assault Zeppelid
- Atarka, World Render
- Aurochs Herd
- Autochthon Wurm
- Avatar of Might
- Avenger of Zendikar
- Awakener Druid
- Ayumi, the Last Visitor
- B-I-N-G-O
- Backwoods Survivalists
- Baloth Cage Trap
- Baloth Null
- Baloth Pup
- Baloth Woodcrasher
- Bane of Progress
- Bant Charm
- Bant Sojourners
- Bant Sureblade
- Baru, Fist of Krosa
- Battlegrowth
- Beacon Behemoth
- Beacon of Creation
- Beast Hunt
- Beastmaster Ascension
- Behemoth Sledge
- Behemoth's Herald
- Bestial Menace
- Biorhythm
- Birds of Paradise
- Birthing Hulk
- Blastoderm
- Blisterpod
- Blitz Hellion
- Bloodbraid Elf
- Bloodscent
- Bloom Tender
- Boartusk Liege
- Body of Jukai
- Bonds of Mortality
- Boon Satyr
- Borborygmos
- Borderland Ranger
- Boreal Druid
- Bound // Determined
- Bountiful Harvest
- Bounty of the Hunt
- Bow of Nylea
- Branching Bolt
- Brindle Boar
- Bring to Light
- Bringer of the Green Dawn
- Brood Monitor
- Brood Sliver
- Broodmate Dragon
- Brown Ouphe
- Budoka Pupil // Ichiga, Who Topples Oaks
- Bull Aurochs
- Cadaverous Bloom
- Call of the Herd
- Call the Scions
- Camouflage
- Canker Abomination
- Cankerous Thirst
- Canopy Cover
- Canopy Gorger
- Captain Sisay
- Captured Sunlight
- Carnivorous Plant
- Carrion Thrash
- Cat Warriors
- Cavern Thoctar
- Centaur Battlemaster
- Centaur Courser
- Channel (card)
- Channel the Suns
- Charnelhoard Wurm
- Chatter of the Squirrel
- Child of Alara
- Child of Thorns
- Chorus of the Conclave
- Chronicler of Heroes
- Citanul Druid
- Clarion Ultimatum
- Cliffrunner Behemoth
- Cloudcrown Oak
- Coalition Victory
- Cobra Trap
- Cockatrice
- Cold-Eyed Selkie
- Colossal Might
- Commune with the Gods
- Concordant Crossroads
- Conflux
- Copperhoof Vorrac
- Court Archers
- Crash of Rhinos
- Craw Giant
- Craw Wurm
- Creakwood Liege
- Creature Guy