This category is for Red cards.
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All items (899)
- Abandon Reason
- About Face
- Academy Raider
- Accelerate
- Acceptable Losses
- Acidic Sliver
- Acidic Soil
- Act of Aggression
- Act of Treason
- Active Volcano
- Adamaro, First to Desire
- Adder-Staff Boggart
- Adun Oakenshield
- Aerathi Berserker
- Aether Charge
- Aether Flash
- Aether Membrane
- Aether Rift
- Aether Sting
- Aetherflame Wall
- Afflicted Deserter \ Werewolf Ransacker
- Aftershock
- Agent of Stromgald
- Aggravate
- Aggravated Assault
- Aggression
- Agility
- Agrus Kos, Wojek Veteran
- Airdrop Condor
- Ajani Vengeant
- Akki Avalanchers
- Akki Blizzard-Herder
- Akki Coalflinger
- Akki Drillmaster
- Akki Lavarunner // Tok-Tok, Volcano Born
- Akki Raider
- Akki Rockspeaker
- Akki Underling
- Akki Underminer
- Akoum Battlesinger
- Akoum Boulderfoot
- Akoum Firebird
- Akoum Flameseeker
- Akoum Hellkite
- Akoum Stonewaker
- Akroan Conscriptor
- Akroan Crusader
- Akroan Hoplite
- Akroan Line Breaker
- Akroma, Angel of Fury
- Aladdin
- Alchemist's Greeting
- Aleatory
- Alesha, Who Smiles at Death
- Ali Baba
- Ali from Cairo
- Aliban's Tower
- Alpha Brawl
- Ambush
- Ambush Party
- Amok
- An-Zerrin Ruins
- Anaba Ancestor
- Anaba Bodyguard
- Anaba Shaman
- Anaba Spirit Crafter
- Anarchist
- Anarchy
- Anathemancer
- Anax and Cymede
- Ancient Grudge
- Ancient Hellkite
- Ancient Hydra
- Ancient Kavu
- Ancient Runes
- Angelic Captain
- Anger
- Anger of the Gods
- Animar, Soul of Elements
- Annihilating Fire
- Antagonism
- Anthem of Rakdos
- Apocalypse
- Apocalypse Hydra
- Arc Blade
- Arc Lightning
- Arc Mage
- Arc Runner
- Arc Trail
- Arc-Slogger
- Arcane Teachings
- Arcbond
- Archetype of Aggression
- Archwing Dragon
- Arena Athlete
- Arlinn Kord
- Arlinn Kord/Arlinn, Embraced by the Moon
- Arlinn, Embraced by the Moon
- Armed \ Dangerous
- Armorer Guildmage
- Arms Dealer
- Artifact Blast
- Ashen Monstrosity
- Ashenmoor Liege
- Ashling the Pilgrim
- Assembled Alphas
- Atarka, World Render
- Atog
- Aura Barbs
- Avacyn's Judgment
- Avacyn, the Purifier
- Avalanche Riders
- Avatar of Discord
- Axelrod Gunnarson
- Balduvian Barbarians
- Balduvian Rage
- Balefire Liege
- Ball Lightning
- Banefire
- Barbarian Riftcutter
- Barbed Field
- Barbed Lightning
- Barrage Tyrant
- Bathe in Dragonfire
- Battering Craghorn
- Battering Sliver
- Battlegate Mimic
- Beacon of Destruction
- Bedlam Reveler
- Belligerent Hatchling
- Ben-Ben, Akki Hermit
- Bird Maiden
- Bituminous Blast
- Blade Sliver
- Blademane Baku
- Blades of Velis Vel
- Bladewing the Risen
- Blaze
- Blazing Shoal
- Blightning
- Blistering Firecat
- Blitz Hellion
- Blockbuster
- Blood Cultist
- Blood Knight
- Blood Lust
- Blood Mist
- Blood Moon
- Blood Tyrant
- Bloodbraid Elf
- Bloodcrazed Neonate
- Bloodfray Giant
- Bloodhall Ooze
- Bloodhall Priest
- Bloodpyre Elemental
- Bloodthorn Taunter
- Boartusk Liege
- Bogardan Hellkite
- Bogardan Lancer
- Boiling Earth
- Bombard
- Bonesplitter Sliver
- Bonfire of the Damned
- Borborygmos
- Borderland Minotaur
- Boros Recruit
- Boros Swiftblade
- Boulder Salvo
- Boulderfall
- Braid of Fire
- Branching Bolt
- Breath of Malfegor
- Bringer of the Red Dawn
- Broodmate Dragon
- Brothers of Fire
- Brothers Yamazaki
- Brute Force
- Brute Strength
- Bull Cerodon
- Bump in the Night
- Burning Inquiry
- Burning Oil
- Burning Wish
- Burst Lightning
- Burst of Speed