Giant is a creature type.
They normally have high costs or nasty side effects. They are dominantly red with white as a secondary color. Green is occasionally in the mix and giants have been seen in all five colors.
Jotun and Karpulsian[]
A set of purely white or red giants from the time of the ice age. They are strong and comparatively low costs. A few have cumulative upkeep. Some have connections with snow mana.
Giants frequently appear in the Base sets. one of the most famous is the simple but effective, Hill Giant. Many giants roam around on Dominaria.
The Stronghold came with many Black and corrupt giants. This went against the normal red-white of giants. These giants are necromantic zombies brought to being only to serve their master. They are relatively weak compared to other giants.
Giants Were one of the 8 tribes in lorwyn. With no true leader to unite under the giants of lorwyn roam free in the plane. They herd the cloud goats and react violently if disturbed. One specific family of giants get caught up in the story. Brion, Keal and Rosheen. Brion and Keal are employed by Rhys and Rosheen’s sleep talking holds the keys to the planes survival. Although for the most part The Giants of lorwyn follow the red theme, in lorwyn and morningtide it branches to red as normal, but in Shadowmore it branches into green.